Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Of Doggie Things: Bailey Has New Puppies!

Bailey whelped three puppies on the morning of July 30, 2006. She had two girls and one boy. The first puppy, a girl, got caught in her birth canal and hung there for more than 45 minutes. Although she was quite active for the first thirty minutes she went lifeless and limp as her placenta had been detached too long. However, once she was on the ground some rigourous stimulation by me and some impassioned licking by Bailey finally got a squeak out of her, and then another. She had difficulty nurisng for the first twelve hours but has developed into a fine looking girl. Both girls are red fawn, and the boy is fawn. The first girl weighed nearly a pound and a half at birth, a weight that is about 50% bigger than a normal shar-pei puppy. No wonder she got stuck! The boy has grown the fastest and is already more than four pounds. His belly is so big I am hoping that his legs will be able to lift him high enough so he learns how to walk. I have a of couple name possibilities for him: Timbe's I Am The Walrus (and call him "McCartney") or Timbe's Best Friend of Stroh's (and call him "Suds"). It's been more than four years since I had a litter in the house, but it's nice to have them. Check back later and see if I still feel that way when I am taking them outside in the middle of the night....

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