Sunday, October 23, 2005


Of Things Neutral: Happy Birthday, Freddie Furlong!

Today is Freddie Furlong's 54th birthday. He was a classmate of mine from second grade until Christmas of my senior year of high school. Why I remember his birthday, I have no idea; the same reason I remember Steve Stromberg's birthday is 9/26, I guess.

I will be seeing Freddie and Steve this coming Friday as we celebrate our 40th Reunion for the St. Mary's, Delaware, OH, 8th Grade Class of 1965. I'm looking forward to seeing many from our class over the weekend: Cathy Wolf, Cathy Reed, John Bills, Tom Frentsos, Barb Bianchi, Eddie O'Connell, Brenda Ingle, Jim Russell, Bob Held, Rick Longstreth, Charlie Kelly, and Debbie Ford. Steve Walker is coaching his high school's football team in their final game of the season Friday night, so he can't make it., and some live too far away to get back for the reunion: Greg Amato, Randy Thompson, Kathy Shane, Barbara Buchaan. Sadly, one member of our class is dead and another is serving a government-issued sentence. Sister Paulinda (now Colleen), the only surviving teacher he had at St. Mary's, is sending a note of remembrance and congratualtions.

There will be no homily post for Ordinary Time, 31-A, due to the class reunion.

I'm gonna have a good time. And, I'm glad gasoline prices are falling at a nice clip since I waited to late to get a good airfare.

Anyway, happy brithday, Freddie!

I had no idea there were such things, as 8th grade reunions.
This is probably a first, Patrick, but the Catholic high school closed at the end of our 8th grade year and we scattered to four different high schools. The parish is celebrating it's 125th anniversary, so two of us starting planning this last year as part of the parish celebration. More than half of the class will be there.

One classmember hasn't been heard from since college graduation. Not even his family has heard from him sicen the week after he graduated. He told them he was going to Boston to be a mime. Now THAT is taking your craft WAY too seriously!

Another classmate is in prison for a double murder. Needless to say, he won't be joining us either.
Might a travelling priest have the time to have lunch with, or at least say hello to, an exiled parishoner and former trouble-making student (who persists in having questionable tastes in sports) while he is in Delaware? A blogging, cold college student would enjoy that.
It was on my agenda to call you, Paul. Send me your contact info to
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