Wednesday, April 20, 2011


My Theme for Easter 2011

In recent weeks I have been focused on the migratary nature of G-d. He is love that cannot be contained. He is compassion poured out. In the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, G-d is a migrant who leaves behind that which He is accustomed, not grasping for it or trying to cling to it, and takes up residence in a world that rejects Him because it doesn't understand Him and is uncomfortable with His ways. But what does G-d do? He forgives our inhumanity and opens a border previously closed as a result of our own pride that allows us to move freely toward and eventually into a new home of eternal peace an joy. Are we as eager to become migrants to the bosom of G-d as my grandparents were to come to Buffalo, New York, in the mid-1920's or as the Latino and Hispanic peoples of the western hemisphere are to find promise and relief among us today? What about our understanding of our brothers and sisters? What about our openness to "new" ways? What about our compassion, our love, our forgiveness? How do we try to contain it? Our easily do we pour it out? Just a thought in the hours before the dawn of Holy thursday.

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